Motion recognizes the key to a successful sustainability program is determined by the strength of the governance that embodies it:
- Strategy and Planning, including corporate risk management
- Supplier Management, including code of conduct alignment, responsible sourcing, and Human Rights alignment
- IT Services, including but not limited to Data Privacy and Security
Of these initiatives, we will highlight our Supplier Program as part of our inaugural 2021 reporting and add others as our reporting develops.
Under the leadership of Genuine Parts Company, our governance programs are tightly integrated and reflective of strategy and planning, including corporate risk management. In addition, Motion is also working on key projects to better govern and report on material items to our customers, such as Value Chain Management. We are implementing a new initiative that will allow greater transparency into our value chain and provide reportable metrics on human rights, ethics, sustainable sourcing, and environmental responsibility.

50% Diverse
7 out of 14 directors are diverse by gender, nationality and race

29% Female
4 out of 14 directors are women

86% Independent
12 out of 14 directors are independent
Years Average Age
3 directors are in their 50s
7 directors are in their 60s
4 directors are in their 70s
Years Average Board Tenure
4, 0-5 years
5, 6-10 years
5, 11+ years
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Genuine Parts Company, Motion adheres to the GPC Global Information Security Policy and the GPC Data Privacy Protection Standard. These policy documents outline the identification, risk assessment, data protection, data handling, compliance measures, and breach notification protocols of our customer data.
Motion follows the ISO 27001/2 Cybersecurity Framework and utilizes NIST controls. In addition, in support of our Department of Defense (DOD) customer base, Motion is pursuing the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and expects to complete this in 2024. Additional information regarding CMMC can be found here.
Additional information about Motion’s privacy policy can be found here.
Motion requires all teammates to complete ethics training, both as part of the onboarding process and annually throughout their time with the company. Leaders and managers are responsible for reinforcing the Code of Conduct throughout our business units and at all levels of the organization. At Motion, we strive to work with integrity and honesty in all situations. We have institutionalized this to the level that working ethically is one of our four core values. Integrity is the foundation of trust upon which our reputation is built.
To that end, we provide an ethics hotline for reporting concerns, such as:
- Theft, fraud or any other form of dishonesty
- Harassment or discrimination
- Accounting of financial irregularities
- Violation of laws, regulations, policies or procedures
- Violence or threatening behavior
- Substance abuse
The system is neutral, administered by a third party, and available 24/7/365 via phone or online. In addition, we have a zero-tolerance policy against any nature of retaliation for whistleblowing.

Motion conducts an annual risk assessment to our business as part of the complete GPC Enterprise Risk Assessment. During this evaluation, all key functional areas conduct extensive risk assessment and provide mitigation measures. Areas include:
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Operations
- Legal
ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED
Motion Industries maintains an ISO 9001:2015 certified corporate Quality Management System administered through our Quality Resource Department. We have 52 registered sites as well as our Birmingham corporate office functions.
Our Quality Resource team is responsible for the ongoing management, process refinement, and training associated with our ISO program.
In addition to our existing ISO Certifications, we are currently reviewing requirements for expanding our ISO certifications in the area of Human Resources and Information Technology. We will provide an update to these in our next report.
Benefits of certification include:
- Fast tracking to customer Approved Supplier Lists (ASL)
- Internal process efficiency improvements
- Opening doors to a wider array of customers who require ISO certification as a condition of business
- Eliminates the need for an on-site customer audit of the business & quality system to certify for ASL
Future ISO plans:
Motion is currently pursuing CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification with anticipated completion in early 2023.
In 2024, we will begin the implementation of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, which will allow us to enhance and audit the effectiveness of our environmental, health and safety programs.